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     Hallo gais. Back again on my blog that is today I made apang paranggi where coconut water and poteng are mixed and then stored for 1 day which is useful for fermentation so that later it can expand. On loading we use the recipe we get on the internet so the results are less than optimal.

     For the manufacture of apang paranggi, the first to mix coconut water and poteng one day before and the second to mix brown sugar and then mix thoroughly and then filtered and the water is mixed with flour - the flour then keep for several hours until it expands, after that it burns over burning, but here the parrangi we made is not enough to expand and fail.

     Today we finished making and we are preparing to make mille crepes and prepare anything we need. On this day we also made a present meal but it was still not received so we thought back to what was made and my friend decided to make the omelette of the contents of the tape and was accepted by Pak ical.


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UTENSIL  1. Meat Hammer Fungsi : Untuk memipihkan daging Material :  Cara membersihkan : Dicuci dengan sabun lalu dibisal memakain air bersih 2. Fish Scissor Fungsi : Alat khusus untuk menggunting bagian-bagian ikan Material : Stainless stell dan plastik Cara membersikan : Dicuci dengan sabun lalu dibisal memakai air bersih 3. Potatoe Cutter Fungsi : Alat ini  dapat diatur agar hasil yang diperoleh sesuai dengan bentuk potongan yang diinginkan  Material : Stainless steel Cara membersihkan :  Dicuci dengan sabun lalu dibisal memakai air bersih EQUIPMENT 1. Baking Oven Fungsi : Oven yang digunakan untuk membakar roti dan kue Material : Stainless steel Cara membersihkan : Dilap menggunakan napkin/serbet yang basah 2. Range Tops Fungsi : Alat memasak dengan sumber panas yang dihasilkan dari gas, listrik. Suatu alat (kompor) yang digunakan untuk memasak Material : Stainless stell, besi, baja Cara membersihkan :