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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2020


Sourdough (Levain)      Sourdough atau Levain adalah ragi liar yang terbuat dari campuran tepung dan air yang difermentasi menjadi adonan asam yang membutuhkan waktu selama berhari-hari dengan perbandingan tertentu. Umumnya sourdough sudah siap digunakan pada hari ke-7 dan bisa disimpan kembali dalam jangka waktu yang lama dengan melakukan feeding yang teratur 2-3 kali seminggu. Keunggulan menggunakan sourdough dalam pembuatan roti adalah memiliki aroma yang lebih harum, tekstur yang lebih lembut dan kenyal, serta jauh lebih sehat.      Sebelum ada ragi, orang dulu membuat roti dengan menggunakan teknik sourdough. Metode kuno untuk membuat roti ini kira-kira ditemukan 4.000 tahun SM. Sourdough atau yang sering disebut dengan natural yeast digunakan sampai pertengahan tahun 1.800 atau tepatnya sampai Louis Pasteur menemukan ragi instan. Ada dua tipe sourdough yang sering digunakan, yaitu pre ferments atau sourdough dengan penambahan yeast yang disebut poolish di Perancis dan Bi


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4


      Hello guys back to my blog again, today I came at 8:00 and like yesterday I went straight to the lobby kitchen and did my blog assignment, today hasn't changed much like yesterday but today there was a delivery from Mr. Ical about a resume that will be made every week of practice research, and after that we immediately gather again in the lobby kitchen to make respondents' assessments for making our resumes.


     This week is not too different from last week, because we are still doing research and development. But before we practice today, Mr. Ical told us to provide any information about the event at the final practice later and a resume for the trial product.      After that, we had a meeting to discuss about the menu at the event that will be held at the final practice, there were some menus that we changed and canceled. After our meeting, we returned to our trial product.


     I came to the kitchen the same as yesterday, went straight to the lobby and did other tasks while reading references on banana flour and also did not forget to read other references about my research. While waiting for time to go home in lobby kicthen. The summary has been collected to make a research resume every week.


     This week my friends and I did not carry out the practice as usual, because this week we are focused on developing the research we propose or commonly called Research & Development.      So last week we were told to submit the title of what we were going to study and were given only a week to immediately face Mr. Wawan for the title submission, so I submitted the title "Utilization of Banana Flour". and the title of the study was accepted because of the existence of a corroborating journal reference. Today I came at 07.50 and immediately entered the lobby kitchen while doing other work because today I am still looking for what products I will develop with banana flour.


     Hallo gais. Today we continue to prepare for us yesterday, and here we are finishing our mille crepes and after finishing we show Mr. Ical and we get a good and good response.


     Hallo gais. on this day we made mille crepes with the flavor that was shared and my group got the barongko flavor.      After that, I and the group started making an dadar with the main ingredient being bananas to get the desired flavor, barongko. after the dadar are finished we make the cream. add the banana cream too. After everything was ready I began to make mille crepes with caution. The finished mille crepes are stored in the chiller because tomorrow they are finishing.


     Hallo gais. Back again on my blog that is today I made apang paranggi where coconut water and poteng are mixed and then stored for 1 day which is useful for fermentation so that later it can expand. On loading we use the recipe we get on the internet so the results are less than optimal.      For the manufacture of apang paranggi, the first to mix coconut water and poteng one day before and the second to mix brown sugar and then mix thoroughly and then filtered and the water is mixed with flour - the flour then keep for several hours until it expands, after that it burns over burning, but here the parrangi we made is not enough to expand and fail.      Today we finished making and we are preparing to make mille crepes and prepare anything we need. On this day we also made a present meal but it was still not received so we thought back to what was made and my friend decided to make the omelette of the contents of the tape and was accepted by Pak ical.


     Hallo gais. Today we were given the challenge to make traditional apang using baking method and not to use instant yeast, but must use 100% cassava tape.      At first we considered it normal. We first prepare the ingredients and tools as usual and make them with a calm feeling. On the same day we bake the dough with a little uncertainty. As a result, it was very failed. Besides the texture is very hard on the outside, it also feels a little weird.      When we go home we were told that the making of the apang requires fermentation in the poteng and coconut water which should be processed and roasted the next day. None of us managed to make it.


     Hallo gais. Today we were told to come to the kitchen before 06.00 hours, everything was there because there were some problems so we were told to come at that time. When I come to the kitchen, I just prepare all the tools and ingredients to make a lapis legit. After preparing, I immediately make the batter and when my batter is finished, my group friend just arrives and he just helps me to continue what I am doing.      Here we use a 20x20 size a molding and for the first layer we bake it in the oven for a few minutes until the batter does not shake and after that we move it to the Salamander. after Salamander we then put the second layer and then we Salamander again and this is done until our batter runs out and our pan is full. And after the last layer we baked it again for 15 minutes at 250 ° C. After that we let it cool down first then we cut it and we brought it to Mr. Ical and said Mr. Ical our legit layer was rather oily but we were not told to repeat it.


     Hallo gais. Today we in the pastry bakery again where we will make pia cakes and legit layers. For the division of the group itself we used a group of croissants yesterday and in total there were 12 groups and here 6 groups made pia cakes and 6 other groups made legit layers.      I, Azriel and Ian make pia, and immediately we prepare all the ingredients and make our filling filled with matcha and kacang ijo. After preparing we finished, we immediately made it and after it was finished we then baked it and here our pia cake succeeded in what sir Ical want and for tomorrow my group was told to make a legit layer.


     hallo gais. Today we continue to prepare  and at the same time finished it because today is the day for evaluation and here Alhamdulillah everything went according to what we want. After we finished, we take a picture, then we sent it to Pak Jaya.      Here sir jaya will send photos of each group to the Instagram admin poltekpar and later he will upload it to Instagram. the deadline is given for like only until 16:00. and after 16:00, we were online and we were told who was the winner of this competition lobster and my group lost to other groups of friends.


     Hallo gais. So this week back to practice at Kitchen. But for today, there is no activity because Mr. Ical wants us all to make the Lobster Challenge for Tuesday. So on Tuesday there is a lobster challenge in the kitchen for the 5th semester, in this challenge there are 5 teams, each team must present the lobster with the best appearance.      Starting from morning each team must have a concept for their dish. But before, we have to clean the kitcen first or general cleaning before we prepare the lobster. after Gc, all students will prepare every material that must be prepared on this day. After all is done, we general cleaning back and go home.


     Hallo gais. On this day we do mid practice and in mid practice is the same as we usually only come 2 days, the first day for prerpare and the second day for finishing. in the mid of this practice the menu we make is croissants and tartlets / pie. the first day or hi monday, here we are a group of one preparing only what we have to prepare and the next day on Tuesday we just finished finishing. Chocolate Pie Cream Coffee Pie Croissant Sandwich Croissant au de chocolate  Croissant Cream Coffee Canape  Tea and Coffe      After all our preparations are finished we then clean the tools we have used and after that we go home. And tomorrow our menu will be setup in our campus directorate and will be enjoyed by the lecturers or other staff and we will also be rated for what that we made.      The next day was Tuesday when we were ready to finish and before 10:00 we had to setup what we made and at 10:00 we could enjoy the food that the lecturers had enjoyed and at 11


     Hallo gais. After yesterday working on croissants, sour dough dough, and Tartlet. Today we are more focused on making tartlets.      Arrived in pastry, we took out the sour bread mixture from the chiller, and shaped it and then proofed it again for an hour. Then I made a tartet again with a thinness of 0.5 inch. Obviously you have to be careful. After the tartlet dough is made, I put it in the chiller so it doesn't get too soft when I want to make it later. While waiting, we carve the sour bread mixture, then bake for almost an hour.      After that we formed the tartlet with the largest and medium size. Then save it in the chiller again before baking. And the results are, thank God, good. Then I store it well in a chiller with a wrapped condition.


     Hallo gais. On this day, we just continue our croissants. Because, the croissants we made yesterday still want to be good. So, Pak ical wants all of us to make back the croissants yesterday but only to the mixing stage, and we rest for the night. after that we continue the next step this morning.      Today we just have to fold and baking. during proofing time, we prepare to make Sour Bread using Levain which will be rested for the whole day. After that, I made Pie dough after the Sour Bread dough was done.      Today croissants show a lot of good things, although in the end we were hesitant at the last folding before being formed, because it looked like fat that almost fell with the dough so it might fail again. When croissants are baked, it looks like the batter is falling.


     Hallo gais. Today I went into the kitchen and then continued the croissant I made yesterday. So, I continue my croissant to the next step.      The next step for my croissants is laminating croissants and folding. After I fold the croissant, we add the chiller to rest the mixture. And then I took for molding. For the next step, we rest in the chiller again for up to 20 minutes and then we proofing for about 2 hours. After we check, we bake with 180 degrees Celsius 20 minutes. Unfortunately, the croissants we made are far from good words.      So, Pak ical wants us to make a new croissant mixture again, but we only make the dough, because tomorrow we immediately make and fold it. After everything is done, we go clean the area and go home.


     Hallo gais. The first day of the 3rd week I practiced in the kitchen. This week, we're still trying to make perfect croissants and Sourdough Bread. But, for this time, we have to make croissants from the recipe, right in the recipe starting from the time of mixing, rest time until all finished must follow the recipe. So, Mr. Ical shows us step by step how to make croissants first and after that we will make by each team.      Mr. Ical also shows how to make sourdough bread, but not all students can make sourdough bread because we must have levain in advance that we have to make up to 6 days before making sourdough bread. So students who do not have levain, must first make levain and reach up to 5 or 6 days. After Mr. Ical showed the manufacturing process. After that, we start making croissants first, and then students who have levain will make SourDough bread.      We make croissants until the resting dough step, because we need to rest the dough all night before lami


     Hallo gais, the 4th day of the practice is still with the same activity which is making croissants, and today I made 2 more dough with my group friends, but after half the journey of making croissants we were asked to handle buffet smester 3 menu because there was a slight problem so they were taken out of the kitchen, and here I handle Tom Yam.      Every now and then I go back to the pastry to continue the croissants that I made and here we are also assisted by our lecturer, Mr. Ical, how to flatten and put fat properly until finishing. And for the Friday sharing activity, we made a number of menus here. I was asked to make an ointment of vegetables from the preapare urap seasoning to cutting the vegetables.      Alhamdulillah, today my group was quite successful, but the sockets were less than perfect, and there were 2 of our friends, so today we didn't get any punishment.


     Hallo gais. Continuing the practice, which is supposed to be this week, we are still on fast food, but since the croissants we have been making have always failed and today we are still continuing to make croissants, and this time in a group of 3 people, we came earlier today that is at 07.00 we had to be on campus and immediately make a croissant dough. We start preparing the material, there were two recipes that we participated in, namely the recipe from our lecturer and the recipe from the book "Bachor the Baker".      From the two recipes, there is not much difference, starting from making the dough, laminating fat, to baking, but the results we made are not perfect sockets so today we have to accept the penalty of running 3 times round. after all that was done we had a prayer break and lunch.     Back to the kitchen and we immediately cleaned the area of ​​the pastry that we used and after that we ran 3x as our punishment today, because today there is a stu


     I'm back in my blog guys after I went through the theory week now I'm back again in practice week, as usual we come at 07:30 while waiting for our lecturer to come we sit behind the kitchen and today we get information that our lecturer will perform worship qurban so today's practice activity is eliminated so we only help cut meat, in the packaging and the bones we make soup for lunch for students and campus staff.      And today I am in charge of preparing vegetables for lunch today. With some of my friends, cutting carrots, potatoes and cabbage to make vegetable soup, after that I helped my other friends prepare seasonings from the soup we were going to make, and making vegetable soup.     After cutting the qurban beef and finished packing we immediately cleaned the tables that had been used, we had to wash it many times with soap and turn it over because of the remaining blood impurities and the smell of the beef. After that we took a prayer break and after


    After three days of practice, and on this fourth day our group will make Croissants. Actually making Croissants has been done since the first day of practice by group 3, then on the third day followed by group 2, and today is our group's turn. Croissants that we make must be in accordance with the recipe and procedures listed in the book provided by our lecturer. And the results also must have cavities in accordance with the pictures in the book.     Croissants are made in groups of two people. And if we fail, we will be punished by running around the Kitchen area and the campus hall 3 times. The other two groups have received the sentence, because the Croissants they made did not comply with the wishes of our lecturers. Without a long wait, my friend and I made preparations and immediately made the dough.      At the same time, we were discussing together what menus we would sell by using the ingredients available in the Kitchen. And based on mutual agreement, we also


     After we made preparations for two days, on this day it was time for us to sell our group's products and distribute some student and lecturer coupons. At 08.00 we have done the mise an place in show kitchen and at 10:00 we are ready to sell.      But in the middle of my mise an place, Mr. Ical gave me the task to make geprek chicken again. I immediately do thawing chicken first. while waiting I help my friend back to prepare the tools we will use. Then after the chicken done, I immediately cut. after that I marinated the chicken.      After the prayer I fried the chicken, I prepared cabbage and long beans for frying. And after that I general cleaning with other friends.


     Hallo gaiss. On the second day of practice this time me and a group of friends continued the preparation yesterday. Before that I was still waiting for the meat that I was thawing, actually yesterday I was thawing meat for lomo saltado and pique a lo machos, but the chef used to make other foods.      And while waiting for me to help my friend make stuffing for coxinhas, which is a flaky chicken that I stir-fry with some of the spices listed on the recipe. After that Mr. Ical gave me the task of making ayam geprek. The chicken itself has been thawing from yesterday so I just need to cut it according to Mr. Ical's wishes. After I cut I paramed the chicken with salt, pepper and lime juice.      Besides that I also cook the pebbles, but before I clean the pebbles first. After the break I started frying chicken using starch and rice flour. While waiting for the chicken to cook, I set the preparation for tomorrow. After the chicken is cooked I immediately help my friend fo


     Hallo gaiss, back again on my blog after a semester break for almost 2 months. Now we are back to doing activities as usual. And today is our first week of practice beginning at semester 5.       At first I thought this was our final week, because before the holiday. Our finals are postponed and will take place at the beginning of semester 5. But there are some changes, such as new groups, menu changes to fast food material. And for now we will make a food to be sold in the form of units or per portion. ranging from appetizers, soups, main courses, dessert and good for sharing.     We have 3 groups in which each group already has their respective tasks. for my group, this day will handle America Latin food. The menus for America Latin food are: Pastel de quejo ** Parihuela ** Lomo saltado Pique a lo macho ** Quindim ** Coxinhas      For now my group is only doing preparations because our food will be sold on Wednesday. and today's preparation


     Hari ini adalah survei pasar terakhir untuk semester ini. Dan sebagai penutup, saya mengunjungi Pasar Lette yang beralamat di Jl. Rajawali, Lrg. 10, Lette, Kec. Mariso. NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT HARGA 1 Timun 1 Kg Rp.  18.000 2 Kunyit Putih 1 Pcs Rp.    1.500 3 Tauge 1 Kg Rp.     7.000 4 Melon 1 Pcs Rp.  15 .000 5 Lengkuas 1 Kg Rp.   20.000 6 Ikan Kerapu 1 Kg Rp.  48 .000 7 Ikan Kembung 1 Kg Rp.  53.000 8 Ikan Tenggiri 1 Kg Rp.  60.000 9 Kerang Dara 1 Kg Rp.  30 .000 10 Telur Puyuh 1 Pack Rp   10.000 11 Buah Kelor 1 Bunch Rp.    3.000 12 Ikan Katamba Kering 1 Bunch Rp.    5.000 13 Nanas Manis 1 Pcs Rp.  15.000 14 Buah Pinang 1 Pcs Rp.    5.000 15 Wortel 1 Kg Rp.  20.000 16 Lobak 1 Kg Rp.  11.000 17 Lemon 1 Kg Rp.  30.000 18 Buah Naga Merah 1 Kg Rp.  26.000 19 Pepaya Men


    Hari ini saya dan beberapa teman saya melakukan survey di Pasar nuri di bawah ini adalah hasil survey yang kami. Berikut adalah tabel  bahan-bahan yang saya temukan di Pasar Kalimbu : NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT HARGA 1 Labu Kuning 1 Pcs Rp.    5.000 2 Kol 1 Pcs Rp.  10.000 3 Paria 9 Pcs Rp.  10.000 4 Kemangi 1 Bunch Rp.  10.000 5 Seledri 1 Bunch Rp.  15.000 6 Terong Ungu 1 Kg Rp.  15.000 7 Ikan Cakalang 10 Ekor Rp.  50.000 8 Ikan Tuna 1 Ekor Rp.  50.000 9 Ikan Bandeng 1 Ekor Rp.    8.000 10 Ikan Merah Kecil 10 Ekor Rp   40.000 11 Tomat Hijau 1 Kg Rp.  10.000 12 Kacang Panjang 1 Bunch Rp.  30.000 13 Mangga Muda 15 Pcs Rp.  10.000 14 Bayam 1 Bunch Rp.    6.000 15 Daun Ubi 1 Bunch Rp.    2.000 16 Daun Bawang 1 Bunch Rp.  17.000 17 Jagung Kuning 1 Pcs Rp.    1.000