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        Hello guys, this is my fourth blog in this weeek. I wanna tell you again about what i do in the kitchen. Today i leave early  again from home at 06.25 am. After i arrived in the campus i go straight prepare my self for in the kitchen. At 07.30 am we oneline in front the kitchen for checking our personal and tools or grooming. Then we in the kitchen for put my toolbag in locker and oneline again in main kitchen area. Before we prepare all ingredients supervisior explain about what we do today and explain about Indonesia breakfast buffet service.

       At 08.15 am we prepare all ingredients for Indonesian breakfast according to the group. For today we make a breakfast according my group is chicken porridge and slice fruit and after the food out to restaurant me and my friend handle the buffet and explain what we do.  We doing very professional until all of the menu sold out. After that at 11.30 we the close order. After the restaurant closing chef Faisal told us to prepare food for us to eat bersama but before we aetan we are first to clean the sink and utensil area.

And then at 12 am. we doing a cleaning area, after that we break and eat together. after we eatan we back oneline again in pastry area with the majors hotel administration a divide group for general cleaning and i get group for cleaning main kitchen are. at 15.18 am we break again while waiting chef Faisal me and friend a telling stories while joking and discuss about real working practic. And after that chef Faisal coming and we oneline with hotel administration. chef Faisal explain about what we do today and telling about blog. Then we before we go home we pray together and we back to home.

A. Chicken porridge
  • Chicken             1,2 gr
  • Vegetable oil     2 tbsp
  • Shallots             50 gr
  • Garlic                30 gr
  • Bay leave          3 leaves
  • Lemon grass     1 stalk
  • Grain rice          300 gr
  • Chicken stock   1,5 l
  • Salt                    as needed
  • Crushed black pappercorns    as needed
For topping
  • Shredded chicken        800 gr
  • Chicken spice paste     2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil                1 tbsp
  • Spring onion                50 gr
  • Celery leaves, sliced    50 gr
  • Bird's eye chilies         15 gr 

B. Potongan buah
  • Pinnaple          250 gr
  • Melon              250 gr
  • Mango             250 gr
  • Apel                10 bh
  • Papaya            250 gr


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