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        Hello guys. I wanna tell you again about what i do in the kitchen. Today i leave from home at 06.30 am. After i arrived in the campus i go straight prepare my self for in the kitchen. At 07.30 am we oneline in front the kitchen for checking our personal and tools or grooming. Then we in the kitchen for put my toolbag in locker and oneline again in main kitchen area. Before we prepare all ingredient. Before chef Aldino come to the kitchen supervisior told us to read the small book.

        At 08.17 am we immadiately take the ingredients has provide yesterday. After i help my friend prepare, my group be indicated for into food checker. We frosting yellow butter cake than save in the cheeler. At 11.15 am restaurant open than very the menu out. We worki professionally untill all the menu sold out.

        After restaurant closing we oneline in main kitchen area, then chef Aldino explain about what we do tommorow. But before we prepare we eat together in front the kitchen. After that appratide preparing all ingredients for tommorow. I and Agung doing a fish fillet in the butcher and after we cleaning a fish fillet we marinade with salt, whitepapper, olive oil and oregano. then we wrap a fish and i save in cheeler. At 16.45 am we general cleaning until finish. And after that we oneline in front kitchen for pray before we back to home.


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