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     Today was the last day on the practice week of menu rotation 2, because tomorrow all of second semester will go to Toraja for tours. As usually, we stand on oneline at 08.00 o'clock and did the attendance and also checked the tools. After all were completed, we went into the kitchen and stores the bag in the locker. Then we stand on oneline again in the cold kitchen. At 09.30 we started the practiced. 
     In main course section, we divided the task to finished the sushi. Some blanched the shrimps, cooked the rice, cut the crab sticks, zucchinis and salmons, and also prepared the sushi station. Like the pictures below :

Cooked the rice 

Cut the crab sticks

Cut the zucchinis

Cut the salmons

Sushi Station

     After all were completed, at 11.30 the representative of all groups did the explained in the restaurant. After that, at 12.00 o'clock the restaurant was opened. In my group, we divided the task to made the kind of sushi, such as nigiri, hosomaki, temaki and gunkan. And today we had been served 40 portion. 

     After restaurant was closed, we cleaned all worked areas and took a rest. After that, me and some of my friends were went into the library to searched the terminologies about the kind of sushi. Nigiri means press by hand, hosomaki is one type of makizushi or sushi that made with bamboo tool called makisu, temaki means roll by hand and gunkan means warship. After that, at 16.00 we went into the class to received some delivery from the chef. Then we did general cleaning and continued with ate together.

     After done, at 17.00 o'clock we stand on oneline in front of the kitchen and received the delivery from the lecturer about gathering we did today, it was watched the movie in the cinema. Then we were handed out the tickets one by one. After done, we back to home and prepared to went in the cinema. 


Postingan populer dari blog ini


     Hello guys, saya akan menceritakan kegiatan saya diminggu 19 & 20 ini. Pada minggu ini juga saya kembali mengambil 2 PH ( Public of Holiday ) saya, karena per 2 minggu PH akan hangus jadi saya terus mengeluarkannya. Dan saya kembali libur selama 5 hari, pada libur kali ini saya jalan kekota Bandung untuk menemui teman - teman yang lagi training disana.       Setelah libur, saya langsung disuruh untuk memprodak beberapa sambal seperti sambal ijo, sambalado, sambal rica - rica, sambal terasi, sambal bajak. Dan seperti bisa lagi saya masih harus tetap stay diexecutive lounge. Pada minggu ini juga executive lounge selalu ramai yang biasanya hanya 60 - 80 pax kini bisa jadi 105 - 120 pax sehingga saya bisa ngerefill makanan sampai 3x dan sulitnya makanan harus dipick up dilantai dasar sedangkan executive lounge berada dilantai 65. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut saya membawa sedikit preparan untuk produk diatas.      Minggu ini...


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