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      Hello guys Today is fourth day i practic before mid test. Today i want to tell you about what i do during practical. Today i came in campus a little late becauce season less supportive. Today i came in campus at 06.55 arrived 07.47. When i arrived in campus we still waiting our friend. At 08.25 we stand oneline for checking tolls and grooming. And then we put our bag in the locker.

       After that we stand oneline again in main kitchen and we explained menu for today like a macedoine of vegetable with mayonaise, minestrone soup, fillet of dori ala meuniere, choux ala croqualine with ganache and had roll. Today situation practical my group very good becauce my dessert very like it and i help my friend for make a fillet of dori ala meuniere. Not long after that dessert turn to be served and i i back to my section for plating choux ala croqualine with ganache.

         After all the food are served, i made chanai bread again and i assisted with my friends. After the ingredients ready for to making, we make untill it becmes dough. And after that we mould thr dough shape spiral. Then i pan fry untill golde, after golden we wraping/cover and i save in freezer. At 15.00 i do a general cleaning in the pastry and after that we eat together in front kitchen. Then at 17.30 we oneline and pray before we go home.


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