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     Today was the first day on the second week of menu rotation 2. As usually, we stand on oneline at 08.00 o'clock. And continued with checked the tools and self attributes, such as handkerchief, spoon and small knife. Besides that, we also checked the grooming and cleanliness of nails. After that, we went into the kitchen and stored the bag in the locker that had been provided.

     Usually we did our practiced in the main kitchen, but today we were practiced in the cold kitchen. Like the previous weeks, on the first day of practiced we only prepared the ingredients, and will be finished tomorrow. Today we were entered the menu rotation 2.3, it was Indonesian food, such as jalangkote, sosok utan, konro bakar, nasi putih and pisang ijo. For the menu today, my group got the appetizer section, it was jalangkote. Before started the prepared, supervisors were told us to did review. After done, we were prepared the ingredients that be used.

     In appetizer section, first we prepared the stuffing, such as minced beefs, carrots and potatoes which cut into brunoise, leeks which sliced thinly, bean sprouts, glass noodles (soun), shallots and garlics which roughly chopped. After that, we blanched all vegetables one by one and continued with sauted all ingredients. Besides that, we also boiled the eggs as the stuffing complement. Like the pictures below :

The ingredients for jalangkote stuffing

Cut all of stuffing ingredients

Blanched the vegetables for stuffing

Sauted the jalangkote stuffing

Boiled the eggs

    Our group got many helped from other sections, because jaalngkote processed tooks a long time. The amount of jalangkote that had been prepared were 195 pieces after we made the second dough. The practiced today was very different with previous practiced, because there wasn't lecturer in charged in our class. And we were only handled by three supervisors.

     After all sections done, at 15.30 we did general cleaning and continued with took a rest. After that, at 17.00 we stand on oneline in front of the kitchen and got some directions from supervisors. Besides that, we also given the task about the kinds of dressing and the kinds of cheese. After that, we did the photo session and back to home.


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